Professional Profile

I am currently studying for a Masters degree in Primary Teaching and I also have a completed degree in Arts, majoring in Theology and History. This blog is aimed at developing myself as a teacher by exploring a variety of different ways to teach while expanding the use of technology and ICT material within the classroom setting.

When deciding on a career through primary school and high school I changed my mind many times, until I spent a day volunteering at the school where my mum works. It was a kindergarten class and I was captivated by them. I wanted to be involved in the teaching process, guiding the children through their learning and having fun along the way. Ever since then I have been working as a teacher's aide, taking small groups (usually special education students) to help with reading and other activities. Now that I have started my Masters course I can't go back to anything else. This is what I will do for the rest of my life. It makes my heart soar seeing the joy on children's faces when they achieve, even just one child, definitely keeps me in a wonderful mood for the entire day!

I have grown to be passionate about the teaching of mathematics within the classroom despite hating it myself all through my school life. I hope I can teach my students to be enthusiastic about mathematics by incorporating their own experiences in each and every lesson so they learn and understand the place of mathematics in the world.

After weeks of tutorials in Effective Teaching, I have come to change my perspective on many things. I believe the following should be incorporated into my teaching for the future:
1. ICT, whenever and wherever appropriate,
2. Development of management strategies,
3. Update, Update, Update - the best way for children to learn is to keep anything that is taught UP TO DATE and relevant to their own lives,
4. Establish respect - for the students as well as the teacher,
5. My mood affects the mood of the classroom,
6. Learn to change each lesson if it doesn't work - NEVER push through